Friday, May 8, 2009

Episode 2 - Strange Encounters with the Mutant Kind

Su was walking to her class one day when she was met by a horrendous sight-she dropped her books and they scattered all over the floor-it was Kenny the squint eyed chinese looking cousin of hers who worshipped money like Mr Krabs did and picked his nose and ate the boogies when he thought no one was looking. He was quite a sorry sight: there were several inches of unshaven orange hair all over his body and he was so dirty that his clothes mixed with the sweat and gunk on his body and stuck to his skin like it was a part of it.

He was holding chopsticks through his fingers-she had mistaken them for claws( watching too many Marvel Flicks does things to your head). She yelled " Kenny! What are you doing here?!" And he replied that he had no idea; that strange things have been happening to him of late.

The other day he had fainted and when he came back to his senses he found tufts of orange hair sprouting out of his balding head;he was wearing his Fat Aunt Flo's extra large underwear which was like a circus tent and enormous parachute bra, with a mop in one hand and his Uncle Wussy Blart cowering in the corner sucking on his thumb.

Before people could associate Su with this freak of nature that was her cousin, she clutched his collar and brought him back home. Upon reaching home he started retching, gasping and morphing into....a giant mutant pig with toxic looking green saliva dripping from his open mouth.

Before she could react to my revulsion, the X-men( no explanations needed) burst into my home and took Pighead and me to their head quarters. There they explained that Stryker wanted Pighead for his Weapon -1 Programme( aptly named for all mutants that were useless apart from their one saving quality).

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